Journal prompts for growth + self-awareness

Journaling can help you bring clarity to your mind and release anxious thoughts.
It can be a powerful tool on your journey to your best self, by showing you parts of yourself that you may hold on to but should let go of.

The following journal prompts focus on self-growth, healing and developing self-awareness.
To find journal prompts focusing on self-love, click here.


What you’ll need to start journaling:

• A peaceful, undisturbed place. Your car, backyard, bed, a seat by the ocean…
• A pen and journal or just a piece of paper. Nothing beats handwriting!
• Our journal prompts to get you started.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Let it all out with a big sigh. Then open your eyes again, take the pen, look at our prompts and start writing. Don’t overthink it.

Don’t worry about sounding amazing or ‘making sense’. Just let the words flow as they appear.

Happy Journaling!


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