What is the idea of ‘act as if’?

A few years ago, a very wise friend of mine once told me to always ‘act as if’. The principle is so simple. You want to achieve something? Act as if it already happened! Here’s how you can truly embody the ‘act as if’.

The "Act As If" principle basically suggests that if you want to achieve a certain goal, or become a certain type of person, you should start acting as if you have already achieved that goal or have already embodied those qualities.

The principle is based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are interconnected, and by consciously adopting the behaviours and mindset associated with our desired outcome, we can bring about the desired changes in our lives. Makes sense, right?

For example, let’s say you want to become a more confident person, you can apply the "Act As If" principle by behaving and carrying yourself as if you were this confident, strong person. Now, this might mean standing tall, making eye contact, speaking assertively, or just taking on challenges with a positive attitude, even if you don't feel confident initially. By consistently practicing these behaviours, you can gradually develop genuine confidence over time. Our mind and body are so connected, so something as simple as fixing your posture into a stronger stance can give your mind’s confidence a massive boost!

The "Act As If" principle can be such a beautiful tool for your personal growth journey and can truly encourage you to step outside your comfort zones. It can help you challenge your limiting beliefs, and adopt new habits and perspectives aligned with your goals. Remember - even if you don’t feel like it now, just act as if it has already happened and your mind will follow!

Hot tip: Write ‘Act as if’ on your mirror. Every morning and every night, take a look and remind yourself to act as if!


How to use Palo Santo for manifestation to attract goodness into your life.